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鲁士佩超鲁甘以其卓越的建筑天赋闻名。传说中,他是 绿玉佛神殿(Emerald Buddha Temple)、成功佛像(帕钦拉佛像) 和神秘 查诺树(Chanod Tree)的缔造者。查诺树被视为那迦蛇神“帕娜迦”(Phaya Srisuttho)的神圣栖息地。这些伟大的建筑和创作不仅仅是物质结构,更被视为带有神圣加持的庇佑之作,彰显了鲁士佩超鲁甘超凡的智慧与力量。
在泰国的108位鲁士中,鲁士佩超鲁甘地位崇高,以精通 占星术、神圣咒符 和 灵修仪式 而著称。他是著名的 「三头龙咒符」(Yant Tri Sing He)的创始者,这一符咒被用于驱邪避害、提升能量。此外,他还传授 百万财富咒语(คาถาบูชาเงินล้านเพชรฉลูกัน),这是一种用于祈求财富、好运和驱散厄运的强大经文。
虎头鲁士撒明派的传奇故事不仅仅是泰国文学和传说的一部分,它也反映了人们对灵性力量的敬畏与探索。今天的分享就到这里,希望大家对这位神秘的鲁士修行者有了更深的了解!如果你对这样的传说感兴趣,别忘了持续关注我们的更新! The legendary Ruesi sages are a fascinating part of Hindu and Thai mythology, known as ascetics with immense spiritual power. In Hindu texts, Ruesi are often revered as sages or teachers with divine insight, even regarded as mentors to Buddha. Today, we dive into the mysterious tales of the Tiger-Headed Ruesi—specifically, Ruesi Saming Pai—who appears in both Thai literature, like Phra Lor, and in northern Thailand.
Ruesi Saming Pai is said to possess shape-shifting abilities and the wisdom to see both past and future events. His appearance is ever-changing: at times youthful, sometimes elderly, and often manifesting as a tiger or cat. Tales describe him as a master of spirit control, encircled by a host of spirits who follow his commands. His power is such that even guardian deities respect and fear him.
Join us as we explore this incredible story of the Ruesi Saming Pai, and learn about his temples and legacy!